一般口演 消化器
肝臓脂肪性肝疾患 2
Comparison between two models of correlation between ultrasonic attenuation method and B mode for determining degree of fatty liver
松岡 正記1, 植 瑞希1, 並川 智香子1, 田中 肇1, 森 真有子2, 徳弘 将光2, 川村 幸司2, 川村 奏志2, 池田 智江2, 土居 忠文2
Masaki MATSUOKA1, Mizuki UE1, Chikako NAMIKAWA1, Hajime TANAKA1, Mayuko MORI2, Masamitsu TOKUHIRO2, Kouji KAWAMURA2, Soushi KAWAMURA2, Tomoe IKEDA2, Tadafumi DOI2
1土佐市民病院消化器科, 2土佐市民病院中央診療部検査室
1Department of Gastroenterology, Tosa Municipal Hospital, 2Central Medical Department Examination Room, Tosa Municipal Hospital
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