一般口演 循環器
Does the decrease in cardiac contractility index(Wave Intensity : W1), which indicates the effect of exercise, show the similar tendency when measured in the chair sitting position?
田中 みどり1, 清水 隆明2, 菅原 基晃1, 3, 石井 海斗4, 谷川 ほのか5, 加藤 ひな6, 森脇 裕美子7
Midori TANAKA1, Takaaki SHIMIZU2, Motoaki SUGAWARA1, 3, Kaito ISHII4, Honoka TANIGAWA5, Hina KATOU6, Yumiko MORIWAKI7
1姫路獨協大学医療保健学部, 2姫路獨協大学人間社会学群, 3東京女子医科大学医学部, 4広畑センチュリー病院リハビリテーション科, 5第二協立病院リハビリテーション科, 6協和マリナホスピタルリハビリテーション科, 7姫路獨協大学看護学部
1Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Himeji Dokkyo University, 2Human Sociology Group, Himeji Dokkyo University, 3Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, 4Department of Rehabilitation, Hirohata Century Hospital, 5Department of Rehabilitation, Second Kyoritsu Hospital, 6Department of Rehabilitation, Kyowa Marina Hospital, 7Faculty of Nursing, Himeji Dokkyo University
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