一般口演 産婦人科
A case in which anal atresia was suspected during the fetal period due to rectal enlargement, but the condition was normal after birth
塩野 真弓1, 稲坂 淳2, 吉松 和彦2, 橋本 誠司2, 河原 且実2, 川滝 元良3
Mayumi SHIONO1, Jun INASAKA2, Kazuhiko YOSHIMATSU2, Seiji HASHIMOTO2, Katsumi KAWAHARA2, Motoyoshi KAWATAKI3
1新横浜母と子の病院検査科, 2新横浜母と子の病院産科, 3神奈川県立こども医療センター新生児科
1Clinical Laboratory, Shinyokohama Women’s & Children’s Hospital, 2Obstetrics, Shinyokohama Women’s & Children’s Hospital, 3Neonatology, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center
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