一般口演 基礎(工学)
Preliminary study on frequency bandwidth extension of photoacoustic signals using deep learning
三谷 瑠奈1, 山川 誠1, 2, 浪田 健1, 2, 西山 美咲2, 白井 克明1, 3, 椎名 毅1, 2
Luna MITANI1, Makoto YAMAKAWA1, 2, Takeshi NAMITA1, 2, Misaki NISHIYAMA2, Katsuaki SHIRAI1, 3, Tsuyoshi SHIINA1, 2
1芝浦工業大学大学院理工学研究科, 2芝浦工業大学SIT総合研究所, 3芝浦工業大学工学部
1Graduate School of Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 2SIT Research Laboratories, Shibaura Institute of Technology, 3Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
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