一般ポスター 血管
Histological examination of atherosclerotic changes and vascular calcification using carotid artery ultrasound and pathology
細江 将之1, 平山 裕子2, 髙橋 賢吉3, 大西 宏之3, 大西 英之3, 垰本 勝司3, 4
Masayuki HOSOE1, Yasuko HIRAYAMA2, Kenkichi TAKAHASHI3, Hiroyuki OHNISHI3, Hideyuki OHNISHI3, Katsushi TAOMOTO3, 4
1大西脳神経外科病院臨床工学科兼臨床検査科, 2大西脳神経外科病院病理検査室, 3大西脳神経外科病院医務部脳神経外科, 4大西脳神経外科病院神経科学研究所
1Department of Clinical Engineering and Clinical Laboratory, Ohnishi Neurosurgery Center, 2Department of Pathology Laboratory, Ohnishi Neurosurgery Center, 3Department of Neurosurgery, Ohnishi Neurosurgery Center, 4Neuroscience Institute, Ohnishi Neurosurgery Center
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