Review Article(総説)
(0195 - 0212)
知っておきたい!下肢静脈瘤の超音波検査:血管 初級
What you need to know about ultrasonography for varicose veins: beginner's guide to blood vessels
山本 哲也1, 岩永 史郎2
Tetsuya YAMAMOTO1, Shirou IWANAGA2
1埼玉医科大学国際医療センター中央検査部, 2埼玉医科大学国際医療センター心臓内科
1Central Laboratory, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, 2Department of Cardiology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center
キーワード : ultrasound, varicose veins, sapheno-femoral junction (SFJ), sapheno-popliteal junction (SPJ), endovenous heat-induced thrombosis (EHIT)
超音波検査は弁不全の有無や存在範囲,原因となる静脈の検索,血栓の有無など各静脈瘤の正しい病態を分類することができる.その静脈瘤検査を効率良く実施するためには,検査目的を把握し,現病歴や既往歴,身体所見を取得することが大切である.検査体位は伏在静脈の深部静脈合流部付近は立位,それ以外は患者の安全面を考慮し,座位で実施する.安静状態での静脈潅流は,静脈弁に血流負荷が加わらないため,観察部位より末梢側を十分な強さで圧迫する必要がある.健常例では圧迫時に急速な順行性血流が生じ,圧迫解除後に血流が停止する.一方,弁不全例では,圧迫解除後,持続時間の長い逆行性血流が生じ,表在静脈では0.5秒,大腿から膝窩静脈では1.0秒,大腿深静脈や下腿深部静脈は0.5秒を超える場合,有意逆流と判定する.静脈径は検査体位や圧迫により変化するため,探触子を軽く皮膚に密着させ,左右同一条件で計測する.計測時は体表面から観察した画像の前後径で計測し,壁の外側で測定する.計測部位は大伏在静脈系では大腿静脈と大伏在静脈の接合部付近と大腿部,下腿部,小伏在静脈系では膝窩静脈と小伏在静脈の接合部付近と下腿部を最低限計測する.静脈瘤検査時,二次性静脈瘤を否定することも大切である.現在,静脈瘤の治療法は,血管内焼灼術が広く普及し,外科治療の大半を占める.超音波検査ではEHIT(Endovenous heat-induced thrombosis)を評価することが大切であり,重要な役割である.
Ultrasound examinations are useful for diagnosing varicose veins, and can reveal pathological conditions such as the presence of venous valve insufficiency, the extent of venous lesions, and the presence of blood clots. In order to perform ultrasound examinations efficiently for varicose veins in the lower extremities, it is important to check the patient's medical history and physical findings and understand the purpose of the examination. The examination is mainly performed in the sitting position, but some areas of deep veins may be observed in the standing position. When a vein distal to the observation site is compressed with sufficient pressure, antegrade blood flow occurs in normal subjects, and the flow stops after the compression is released. In patients with venous valve insufficiency, long-lasting retrograde blood flow occurs after compression is released. Retrograde blood flow that lasts more than 0.5 seconds for superficial veins, 1.0 seconds for femoral to popliteal veins, and 0.5 seconds for femoral and lower leg deep veins is considered significant. Because the diameter of the vein is subject to change, probe compression should be performed under uniform conditions. Endovenous heat-induced thrombosis (EHIT), a complication of endovascular ablation for varicose veins, requires special attention.