Case Report(症例報告)
(0261 - 0265)
A case of gallbladder torsion in which contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was useful
笹木 優賢1, 大野 栄三郎2, 杉山 博子1, 刑部 恵介3, 田中 浩敬2, 中岡 和徳2, 川部 直人2, 葛谷 貞二2, 伊藤 弘康1, 廣岡 芳樹2
Yutaka SASAKI1, Eizaburo OHNO2, Hiroko SUGIYAMA1, Keisuke OSAKABE3, Hiroyuki TANAKA2, Kazunori NAKAOKA2, Naoto KAWABE2, Teiji KUZUYA2, Hiroyasu ITO1, Yoshiki HIROOKA2
1藤田医科大学病院臨床検査部, 2藤田医科大学病院消化器内科学講座, 3藤田医科大学病院医療科学部医療検査学科
1Department of Clinical Laboratory, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University, 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University, 3Faculty of Medical Technology, School of Health Sciences, Fujita Health University
キーワード : gallbladder torsion, contrast-enhanced ultrasonography, Sonazoid, acute cholecystitis
Gallbladder torsion is an acute abdominal condition that causes obstruction of blood flow to the gallbladder and requires early surgical intervention. However, gallbladder torsion is sometimes difficult to distinguish from acute cholecystitis because the clinical symptoms and ultrasonographic findings are similar. We report a case in which contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) was useful in the diagnosis of gallbladder torsion. The patient was a woman in her 80s who was referred to our hospital with a chief complaint of worsening pericardial pain. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography revealed acute cholecystitis, and ultrasonography showed an enlarged gallbladder and a hyperechoic lesion in the neck, suggesting gallbladder torsion. CEUS was Sonazoid performed to confirm the diagnosis, at which no contrast medium was seen flowing into the gallbladder wall or the cervical hyperechoic lesion. The operative findings also showed torsion in the neck of the gallbladder, and a final diagnosis of gallbladder torsion was made. CEUS can easily confirm the presence or absence of blood flow, and is thought to be capable of diagnosing gallbladder torsion. Furthermore, Sonazoid, an ultrasound contrast agent, can be used in patients with impaired renal function, and the examination can be performed with conventional ultrasound equipment at the bedside, such as in the emergency room. CEUS is a very useful method for quickly and easily differentiating acute cholecystitis and gallbladder torsion.