Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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2025 - Vol.52

Vol.52 No.01

Review Article(総説)

(0003 - 0016)

小児の腹部スクリーニングの実際〜成人との違いも含めて〜:小児 初級

Practical abdominal screening for children, including differences from adults: Pediatric beginner

内田 正志1, 浅井 宣美2, 小野 友輔3, 城戸 崇裕4, 吉元 和彦5

Masashi UCHIDA1, Nobuyoshi ASAI2, Yusuke ONO3, Takahiro KIDO4, Kazuhiko YOSHIMOTO5

1JCHO徳山中央病院健康管理センター/小児科, 2茨城県立こども病院小児超音波診断・研修センター, 3北九州市立八幡病院小児臨床超音波センター, 4筑波大学附属病院小児内科, 5熊本赤十字病院小児外科

1Health Management Center / Department of Pediatrics, JCHO Tokuyama Central Hospital, 2Pediatric Ultrasound Diagnostic Training Center of Ibaraki Children’s Hospital, 3Pediatric Clinical Ultrasound Center of Kitakyushu City Yahata Hospital, 4Department of Pediatrics, University of Tsukuba Hospital, 5Pediatric Surgery of Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital

キーワード : child, abdominal ultrasound, noninvasive testing, abdominal screening, real-time diagnosis


First, we herein describe our activities to promote pediatric abdominal ultrasound since the 1980s, and the history of hands-on seminars conducted since the 2000s. Children, especially infants, are highly sensitive to radiation, so it is important to always treat them with the ALARA principle in mind. Pediatric digestive diseases are characterized by few solid organ diseases, and the majority are gastrointestinal diseases. We compare abdominal organ screening in children and adults in each setting of health checkups, outpatient care/emergency clinics, and gastrointestinal ultrasound. Although there are differences in the diseases assumed for screening methods for children and adults in outpatient care/emergency clinics, they can be considered to be basically the same. In children, health checkups and gastrointestinal ultrasound can be considered to be almost the same as in outpatient care/emergency clinics. The important thing in promoting abdominal ultrasound in pediatrics is to 1) deepen understanding of real-time diagnosis and 2) convey the importance of screening. In children, the area covered by adult gastroenterology, urology, and obstetrics and gynecology, that is, the entire abdomen, should always be routine work. The procedure for abdominal screening is herein described, and the minimum eight images that should be recorded are presented. Additionally, an approach to the treatment of acute abdominal pain is presented. Diseases that should be discontinued based on comparison with normal images of oblique hilar scan, right kidney vertical scan, left kidney vertical scan, lower abdominal transverse scan, and lower abdominal vertical scan are described. In the future, it would be desirable for pediatricians with expertise in pediatric diseases and ultrasound technicians with expertise in ultrasound examinations to work together to develop pediatric ultrasound examinations.