(S635 - S636)
乳腺腫瘍の超音波断層像と病理組織学的検討 (辺縁像と内部像)
Comparative examinations between ultrasonogram and pathological findings of breast tumors, especially on their marginal and internal pictures.
横井 浩1, 中間 慧1, 伊藤 健一2, 渋谷 昇2, 日浅 義雄1, 関 浅男1
Hiromu YOKOI1, Satoshi NAKAMA1, Ken-ichi ITO2, Noboru SHIBUYA2, Yoshio HIASA1, Asao SEKI1
1日生病院, 2東京農工大
1Department of Diagnositic Ultrasound, Nissei Hospital, 2Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
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