Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1979 - Vol.6

Vol.6 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0123 - 0126)


Applicability of Diagnostic Use of Ultrasound in Ileus

加茂 久樹, 高橋 泰行, 島田 政則, 大野 穣一

Hisaki KAMO, Yasuyuki TAKAHASHI, Masanori SHIMADA, Jöichi OHNO


The Department of Internal Medicine, Mimihara general hospital

キーワード : abdominal ultrasonography, ileus

 The ultrasonic examination by a real time scanning system (2.4MHz, linear type) was performed on three patients of ileus and was found to be useful. The ultrasonographic examination in these cases demonstrated ;(1)fluid filled bowel (2)dilated bowel (3)rotary movement of intestinal contents when the patient of mechanical ileus had an attack of abdominal pain (4)floating of intestinal contents while the pain subsided or in the case of paralytic ileus.
 In one case, these findings had been obtained even at a period before X-ray film of the abdomen demonstrated air fluid level. These ultrasonic findings seemed to be characteristic features of ileus. Therefore abdominal ultrasonography might be one of the excellent methods for diagnosis of ileus.