Online Journal
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Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

にて英文誌のFull textを閲覧することができます.


1979 - Vol.6

Vol.6 No.03

Original Article(原著)

(0168 - 0174)


Phasic Pulmonary Flow as a Determinant of Pulmonary Valve Echogram in Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension.

田原 稔, 田中 弘允, 中尾 正一郎, 桜井 修吾, 吉村 寿一, 鄭 忠和, 鹿島 友義, 金久 卓也

Minoru TAHARA, Hiromitsu TANAKA, Shoichiro NAKAO, Shugo SAKURAI, Hisakazu YOSHIMURA, Chuwa TEI, Tomoyoshi KASHIMA, Takuya KANEHISA


The First Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine Kagoshima University

キーワード : pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary valve echo pattern, pulmonary blood flow, mid-systolic semiclosure

An experimental study was undertaken to investigate the determinant of systolic pulmonary valve echo pattern in pulmonary hypertension. Various degrees of pulmonary hypertension was produced by constricting and releasing a Teflon tape around the pulmonary trunk in 7 open-chest dogs. Simultaneous recordings of the pulmonary valve echocardiograms, pulmonary artery flow and the right ventricular pressure were performed before, during and after the pulmonary artery constriction. Analysis of these data showed that the echo and flow patterns in systole were similar to each other. When mid-systolic semiclosure of the pulmonary valve was observed on echocardiogram, the pulmonary artery flow curve showed a transient decrease in blood flow. The mid-systolic semiclosure of pulmonary valve echocardiogram began to occur almost simultaneously with the onset of a transient decrease in pulmonary artery flow in mid systole. The onset of reopening of pulmonary valve echocardiogram occurred simultaneously with the termination of a transient decrease (the onset of re-increases) in pulmonary artery flow.
On the basis of these observations, we concluded (1) that pulmonary valve echo pattern during ejection might be determined by pulmonary artery flow and (2) that mid-systolic semiclosure of pulmonary valve echocardiogram might result from a transient decrease in pulmonary artery flow in mid systole.