Review Article(総説)
(0115 - 0119)
各国における超音波診断の現状 循環器領域,とくにNew DeviceとNew Techniqueに関して
Survey of Recent Advance in World Echocardiography, with Special Reference to New Devices and New Techniques
尾本 良三
Department of Surgery, Saitama Medical School
キーワード :
As new devices, read time two-dimensional echocardiography, digital scan converter for real time sector-scanning, concomitant use of pulsed Doppler and two-dimensional echocardiography, and Ultrasonic Stethoscope have been described. As new techniques, contrast echocardiography, negative contrast echocardiography, various acoustic windows, detection of regional ventricular asynergy, and tissue characterization of myocardium have been discussed.