Original Article(原著)
(0183 - 0187)
Echocardiographic findings of Left Atrial Aneurysm
福原 正博1, 許 美千代1, 小山 治1, 大西 一男1, 日並 史成1, 斉藤 清治1, 足立 和彦1, 種本 基一郎1, 吉栖 正之2
Masahiro FUKUHARA1, Michiyo KYO1, Osamu KOYAMA1, Kazuo ONISHI1, Fumishige HlNAMI1, Kiyoharu SAITO1, Kazuhiko ADACHI1, Kiichiro TANEMOTO1, Masayuki YOSHIZUMI2
1神戸労災病院内科, 2神戸中央市民病院循環器センター外科
1Department of Internal Medicine, Kobe Rosai Hospital, 2Department of Cardiac Surgery, Kobe Municipal Central Hospital
キーワード : left atrial aneurysm, intrapericardial wall type, echocardiography, computed tomography, angiography
Echocardiographic findings of the left atrial aneurysm of the intrapericardial wall type were described. The M-mode echocardiography obtained by standard technique showed no abnormality.
Short axis M-mode scan at the level of the aortic valve revealed the left atrial cavity continuing into a large lateral echo free space.
Esophageal approach showed the lateral echo free space clearly but could not detect the communication between the left atrial cavity and the lateral echo free space.
Cross sectional echocardiography also showed an abnormal echo free cavity lateral to the left atrium and the left ventricle.
Short axis cross sectional echogram at the level of the aortic valve demonstrated the ostium of the abnormal echo free cavity.
Short axis cross sectional echogram at the level of the mitral valve represented the pericardial echo behind the left ventricular posterior wall continuing to the posterior wall of the abnormal echo free cavity.
It was considered that these echocardiographic findings are characteristic of the left atrial aneurysm of the intrapericardial type.
Echocardiographic examination is useful technique for preoperative diagnosis and classification of left atrial aneurysm.