Original Article(原著)
(0159 - 0165)
Fetal Mechanocardiography Recorded with the Processing of Ultrasonic Doppler Fetal Heart Valve Signals
前田 一雄, 辰村 正人, 米田 哲幸, 中村 百合
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tottori University School of Medicine
キーワード : ultrasonic Doppler signals, systolic time intervals, heart valve signals, continuous recording, fetus
Fetal cardiac systolic time intervals are analyzed during labor with the simultaneous recordings of ultrasonic Doppler fetal heart valve signals and direct FECG, firstly utilizing an optical recorder. The whole Doppler signals are recorded after 80 ms' delay of the signals, and by rapid vertical sweep of light beam with horizontal slow movement of the chart. Vertical scan starts by R-peak trigger of direct FECG. The light is projected at every fetal heart valve Doppler signals, then the signals are recorded in transverse dotted continuous lines on the chart. On the basis of the above method, a new fetal mechanocardiograph is produced. It prepares electrostatic multistyli recorder with 256 fixed styli which print dots with electric discharge at each Doppler heart valve signals. Vertical scanning is triggered by FECG R-peak and the scan time is 480 ms. Doppler signal delay is 80 ms. FHR and uterine contraction are recorded simultaneously on the chart which proceeds 1.5 or 3 cm/min. Fetal statuses including fetal distress are analyzed by the new system, and clinical results are obtained. Not only by direct FECG, but also by indirect transabdominal FECG, the fetal mechanocardiogram is recorded.