Online Journal
IF値: 1.8(2022年)→1.9(2023年)


Journal of Medical Ultrasonics

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1981 - Vol.8

Vol.8 No.02

Case Report(症例報告)

(0175 - 0178)


Four Patients with Retroperitoneal Sarcomas

渡辺 栄二



1st Department of Surgery, Kumamoto University Medical School

キーワード : ultrasonic examination, retroperitoneal sarcoma, gray scale contact scanner, real-time equipment, hypoechoic mass

Four patients with proven retroperitoneal sarcomas by surgery were described.
Histological diagnosis were rhabdomyosarcoma in two, hemangiosarcoma in one and liposarcoma in one. Ultrasonic examination were carried out using a gray scale contact scanner and a real-time equipment.
Three patients were admitted due to the abdominal masses and 1 patient was admitted with abdominal pain. Tumors were resectable in two cases. The tumors were visualized as hypoechoic masses with clearly defined margins by gray scale echography. By the use of contact gray scale and real-time equipment with improved resolution, the retroperitoneal tumors can now be demonstrated precisely than before. These experiences suggested that ultrasonic examination is the method of first choice to allow earlier diagnosis of retroperitoneal tumors.