Original Article(原著)
(0233 - 0236)
Study of the Diagnostic Use of Ultrasound in the Ileus of Dogs
加茂 久樹1, 松田 浩珍2, 西川 禎一2, 高橋 泰行3, 島田 政則3, 大野 穣一3
Hisaki KAMO1, Hiroshi MATSUDA2, Teiichi NISHIKAWA2, Yasuyuki TAKAHASHI3, Masanori SHIMADA3, Masanori OHNO3
1現京都大学病院老年科・神経内科, 2大阪府立大学農学部獣医学科畜産外科, 3耳原総合病院内科
1 , 2The Department of Veterinary Surgery and Obsterics, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture, 3The Department of Internal Medicine, Mimihara General Hospital
キーワード : canine ileus, abdominal ultrasonography
The ultrasonic examination by a real time scanning system (3.5 MHz, linear type) and X-ray study of the abdomen were performed on the dogs, which had been caused to have obstructions of the upper or lower intestine. The abdomens of the controls were incised and the intestine were exposed and then reinserted in place. Observations by these methods were made seven times (1 prior to the operation 2 after 6 hours 3 after 12 hours 4 after 18 hours 5 after 24 hours 6 after 36 hours 7 after 48 hours).
The ultrasonographic examination demonstrated a fluid filled bowel six hours after operation at a high rate in the lower and upper obstruction groups, while the air fluid levels and abnormal gas could be detected on the X-ray films less frequently. The echograms of the fluid filled bowel, the air fluid levels and the intestinal gas on the X-ray films increased progressively. Therefore, abdominal ultrasonography is thought to be one of the best methods for diagnosis of the ileus.