JSUM Fellowships Call for Applicants/Applications The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine
The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine invites candidates to apply for the JSUM Fellowship for the year 2026, as explained in the enclosed Guidelines for the JSUM Fellowship.
The period of research or training in Japan will be from April 2026 through March 2027.
Individual members of each affiliated society of AFSUMB are requested to submit applications to JSUM no later than August 31st, 2025. Applications should be accompanied by
(1) a completed Application Form,
(2) a photocopy of passport showing photograph and identification information,
(3) a written pledge from the candidate,
(4) evidence of being a member of each affiliated society of AFSUMB (or verification/recommendation letter from secretary/ President of each AFSUMB affiliated society),
(5) recommendation letter from the supervisor of same institution,
(6) a proof of Japanese and/or English proficiency obtained through an online interview by the concerned Japanese supervisor, and
(7) a Letter of Provisional Acceptance by a Japanese supervisor stating that the applicant will be accepted by the supervisor's institution if a fellowship is offered. Each applicant need to choose a Japanese supervisor on your own preference
Applicants must be 40 years of age or under as of April 1st of 2026.
We decided to request a letter of recommendation by the President of the affiliated society of AFSUMB in the country of the trainee to the application documents. So, please do not forget to enclose it in the application documents.
In addition, in order to know the motive of the applicant and ability of English of the trainee, we ask them to talk with the supervisor directly by telephone or online before the decision of the acceptance is made.
The number of candidates from each society is not limited.Please note that applications arriving after the deadline cannot be accepted.
We will mail the names of selected Fellowship recipients to the secretary of each society by the end of December 2025.
For inquiries or more detailed information, please contact Dr. Iwaki Akiyama, Chair of the International Exchange Committee, JSUM, at the above address.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sincerely yours,

Shiro Iwanaga, PhD
President of JSUM
The Japan Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 6th floor Ochanomizu Center
building 2-23-1 Kanda-Awajicho Chiyoda Tokyo 101-0063 Japan
Foreign medical doctors can perform medical practice (Advanced Clinical Training) in Japan if applicants submit the necessary documents to the Japanese government (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) according to the Japanese Law concerning the Exceptional Cases of the Medical Practitioner’s Act, Article 17.
Please note that the application procedure by the Japanese government (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) usually takes a couple of months and the application must be started after your arrival.
Documents required for Advanced Clinical Training application are as follows
- Application for permit for Advanced Clinical Training.
- The original and one photocopy of your passport, certificate of alien registration, or certificate of voyage
- Documents which certify that the applicant will return to their country, issued by a public agency of the home country
- The original and one photocopy of your medical practitioners license
- Documentation providing at least three years’ clinical experience
Certificate of proficiency in Japanese or English
* Scores of TOEFL or TOEIC is preferable
Required scores of TOEFL is 510 and above(PBT)
Required scores of TOEIC is 615 and above - A medical certificate issued by a medical doctor
- Certificate from the home country proving the applicant’s eligibility for the program in advanced clinical training
- Statement certifying that the applicant is not ineligible to pursue advanced clinical training in Japan
- Documentation regarding program of advanced clinical training and written consent
- Two photographs (full-faced without a hat, 3 cm x 2 cm, taken not more than six months prior to the date of application)
* The applicants have to prepare the documents of No 1,2,7,9,10 after you arrive at JAPAN.